I had the pleasure of being shown the ways of scooting by @Documentally and the video evidence is for all to see.
Many people that get into scooting, do it via “The kids”. There are some epic blog posts about parents getting them to join in with the kids but they didn’t really resonate with me. I’m a growd up don’t you know and I don’t have any kids! But is it just a toy? A pointless fad? Anyone that knows me, knows I don’t do gadgets – I have too much stuff in my life and only like to keep things that I love and/or use.
Spoiler : I love my scooter and it is so much more than just a toy
My first scooter has arrived and I am completely converted. Every time I go out, I end up sharing it with someone. They, like me, end up grinning like a loon.
“Growing up is over rated but growing as a person is where it is at!”
My neighbour, Nick’s quote “these are built for Milton Keynes”. He’s not wrong!
Not gonna lie, I was a bit scared to start with, particularly of the hill next to my flat. “How good are the breaks? “, “how much will it hurt if i stack it?”.
Needless to say I didn’t need to worry, just be confident…. so i ended up riding my hill in the dark. Talk about baptism of fire ????
I’ve already had the “aren’t you a bit old to be scooting?”.
My response?
Grin like an idiot and shout “Never!” whilst travelling as fast as my feet will propel me.
I feel like a child with a black steed, embossed with runes of power, that ignite and spark as I trace my fingers over them…. and off to my next business meeting I propel myself
The Justification
So, as with all these things, I need to justify the purchase. Mainly to my other half but also to me. Do I NEED it?
Here’s a little insight into my thought process.
First up, how much time does it save?
Time Saving
Here are the https://runkeeper.com results of my trips from the local train station, both on foot and using the Scooter.
Some context: – The route has a large “up hill” section – I am walking (and being towed by the dogs) in the rain so it is a little faster than normal.
Walking vs Scooting
15 minutes vs 45 minutes!
It is faster!!
Money Saving
Here’s my thought process:
- Time is a valued commodity
- Scooting is 2x faster than walking (my runkeeper suggests 3x)
- You do a 30 minute walking commute per day
- Work 5 days a week
- Earn minimum wage £7.20 per hour
- 200 workable days in a year
Now for the maths
- Saving 15 minutes per day
- Which equates to 50 hours per Year saving
- Which equates to £360 per year saving of my time
A scooter may cost you £180 and I value my time above all else. You decide…
You might also, inadvertently
- get fit
- have fun
- meet new people (who may or may not have a scooter)
- find other things to use it for apart from commuting
- Quick pop to the shops
- Meeting friends and their kids for a scoot around a lake
- Trips in the the Big City
- Going our for a scooter cos you like it
Whatever your decision, for me, it is fun exercise that has saved me time and has become a daily addictive habit.
I cannot wait for the Summer of 2017.