Standing desk? Sit at a desk? Every fancied a change?
With the onset of more people working from home, I often get asked about standing desks.
Personally I switched to a standing desk a few years ago to help with lower back pain.
I’t been an interesting journey, starting with going all out standing… getting tired then sitting. Other days of forgetting to stand and sitting all day – only to regret it later as my back ceases up.
My big learn was to “default” my desk to standing so that any time I returned to my desk – I started standing.
Having recently got fit (running) I find myself more focused on moving rather than sitting or standing. I take pleasure and comfort in not being static for too long. The bonus from all this moving being that I find time to think and ponder. All in all making me more productive.
If you fancy trying out standing, it does not have to cost – try a stack of books or boxes?
I use one of these as a travelling standing desk solution:
My day to day is the ikea standing desk:
An in recent days, I have added a balance ball to stand on – great for working the feet, ankles, knees and hips.
I am also swapping my chair for a stool – if I get uncomfortable I’ve probably been sitting for too long. My friend, David, described this as “Sandals of the office chair” – he knows me too well.
Happy health and if you fancy a coffee to discuss – reach out any time!